Monday, October 06, 2003

Head Colds and Long Absences

I am back at work today. I missed Friday, literally, as I spent the day drugged up on Contact C and sleeping while my body fought the good fight.

So, here we are. A rainy Monday. I have given up on changing the look of my blog because I can't link to pictures from the tiny bit of webspace that Telus allows me. I'm too frustrated, and still a bit too drippy to really care anyway. (If I keep saying that then someday I'll believe that my site doesn't have to be as pretty as the one that the girl who writes The North Carolina Experiment has).

I don't need a pretty blog, I don't need a pretty blog.


The mind-numbing that I've been whining about to everyone (insert Sheldon, Paul and Miyuki here) continues. I very much doubt that I am useful in any way to anyone right now. I like to amuse myself by imagining ways in which my life could be better while knowing that I'm not going to change anything. This is because the life I have right now isn't really that bad, aside from living in Surrey, I think that my life does have a general shape, and something of a direction that it just might achieve before I get old and die. This thought is not comforting. I think listless is the word that people sometimes use to describe the way I feel. I think that it's more likely to be liquescent if this goes on much longer.

Maybe this condition is worsening as a result of the fact that some of my brainmeats got jellied by this cold and that they have subsequently become sentient and have taken turns to escape by way of my ears. I'm not certain but that could be it.

That, and the fact that I'm getting dreadfully near to that cataclysmic time of year again. Yes, the one where I have a birthday. If tradition holds then something really terrible is bound to happen soon. If you are reading this, and I know you personally, please be careful. My birthday is like the Bermuda-Triangle-bad-luck-hoodoo-evil-eye of all days. No joke. Anything bad that happens to my family usually does it very near to my birthday. Be forewarned, and stay safe.


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