Wednesday, October 22, 2003

This is the post that never ends...

Yes, it goes on and on my friends. I started writing it about a week ago. And I'll continue writing it forever...

Enough of that!

So, Birthdays. Mine tend to suck. As I mentioned before. This one didn't really suck. I had a good time with my family on Thanksgiving Monday, even if we didn't do the whole cake party thing we usually do, it was nice to have everyone in the same place for once. Thursday, The Day, was fun. Lots of great things from Miyuki, and beautiful things from Sheldon. All round it was a good day, despite the rain, and after 24 years of inclement weather on my birthday, I think I'm almost used to it.

Friday was fine, we did a office lunch because co-worker Peggy's birthday was also in October. This was followed by the yummiest Mango Pudding Fresh Fruit Cream Cake that has ever been made. Mmmm... Two days and two pieces of cake. Chocolate Gnash on Thursday, oh sweet, smooth chocolaty death...and then Mango Cake. So bad, so gooood.

Saturday also started well. However, the end was, shall we say, somewhat less than stellar.

You can read about the plans we had here, and here. I'm not sure that I have much to add to what they've already said. (sic)

In all honesty I'm still a bit angry about how the whole thing happened. Most of the trauma could easily have been prevented if someone had just called to say they'd be late, or even to suggest a different meeting place. Instead my boyfriend and I sat alone in a bar for over an hour waiting for people that didn't come and didn't call. Sure, another 15 minutes would have seen the arrival of a few people, but by that point we'd already crossed the angry point of no return. It is not pleasant to try and explain to other bar patrons why two people who seem to be alone need to hold a big table and 5 other chairs for people who don't seem to be coming. Getting dirty looks on a day that's supposed to be a party day isn't very much fun. It is also extra sucky because I don't come out that often. I actually made the effort to get a bit dressy this time. Good God, I even took the time to put on makeup. Just because. Of course I know that no one but me is accountable for that time, I alone bear the disappointment of it's wastage. It just sucks to be hurt and angry and to feel as though you aren't even worth a phone call from people who are supposed to be your friends.

OK, so I'm being unreasonable and melodramatic. I think it might be allowed just this once. But for the record, it didn't make me cry. Few people, no mater how mindless and inconsiderate, have the power to do that. Rather, I got home and punched our brick fireplace in frustration a few times. I quit once my knuckles were all red and scratched and I had realized that I wasn't angry, just sad. I felt bad for abandoning Miyuki. I felt bad for not remembering all the people other than Jim that I wanted to see. Despite this I still think that leaving was the right thing to do. Staying, in all likelihood would not have made the rest of the evening go any better, and I may have brought an abrupt halt to it by bitch slapping and or yelling at the "birthday bitch". Alcohol and anger are seldom a wise cocktail.

Lacking anything better to do, Sheldon went to work on the car, and I cleaned up our room, and then ensconced myself on the couch to watch Princess Mononoke. Perhaps not the best choice as it isn't a particularly uplifting movie, at least it didn't perpetuate my anger (even if it did make me feel bad for being human right before it made me generally depressed about mankind in general).

Now that I'm calmer (if not a little depressed), I have decided to attend the Halloween Party in order to see the people, like Mara, that I have wanted to see for so long. I mean there's nothing like alcohol when you're already a bit down. I think this post is long enough, so I won't get in to all of the potential sources of badness that make up the Halloween Party.

I'm just going to hold the bonsai kitten (Chester) and eat my lunch and hope that none of the things that could go horrifically wrong do.


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