Thursday, March 18, 2004

I am so very (deliberately?) naive

This is not news to anyone who knows me well. As much as my other more manic personality thinks I'm jaded and tough, my cute, fuzzy bunny, oblivious side knows I'm not. It knows that, at heart, I still think that the good guy wins, and that for as many bad things as happen to people, good things happen too. I still believed that the problems we face as a species can be overcome, or at least that we will be able to change.
Poor dumb Kim.
For all my love of Noam, I forgot that reading him often reminds me what shitheads humans are. It's not just the politics, it's the million other things we do that doom us to eventual demise. Once I start looking for the nasty scummy underbelly in my happy bunny existence, I find it; and it is not pretty, or fluffy, or cute. It's a telling picture of bad environmental practices and lies and dirty politics and a large stupid behemoth called public opinion.
It's not just Noam though, the most disturbing thing I've read recently was the chapter in Lying Liars about Bush's environmental policies. I dread the gunk that will drift in to Canada carried by American air.
Somehow, I am not comforted by the fact that eventually (hopefully in a distant future) the problems we are creating will grow so severe that we will be forced to change, or die. What kind of a world is being created for little John-Stamos? Evidently it's the kind that the beaten dead horse has been ranting about for years and years (you know the one: polluted oceans, a marked lack of breathable air, complete depletion of natural resources, yadda yadda yadda).
Sometimes I like to amuse myself by trying to figure out why I bother to care (all naivete aside). Then I get tired of the circular logic and cliches, at which point I usually indulge in some random consumerism to satiate my need to feel important, pretty, and loved. The fuzzy happy bunny demands satisfaction.


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